Smart Contract

  • Blockchain can also execute programs. Other blockchains allow for more sophisticated contracts. In Ethereum for instance, each contract carries a mini-database, and exposes methods to modify the data. Each time a user calls a method on the contract and therefore updates the underlying data, this command is replicated and replayed by the entire network.
  • Applications relying on smart contracts are called Decentralized Apps, or DApps.
Platform Integration

Platform selection should be guided by regulatory requirements, service offering, product strategy and size and scale of community.

Business Model

Where to play is a core question to be answered. The choice may vary from advisor to token exchange broker depending on the institutions business model.


Sufficient security measures need to be ensured to secure the entire value chain when interacting with a blockchain platform. SECaaS (Security as a Service) could be an additional revenue stream.


Ensuring a token's compliance across Jurisdictions will bring new complexities which require consideration.


MiFID, AML and KYC regulation still applies to the token economy. Tax considerations should not be left behind either with a move into the digital economy.

Bchain - Tokens

  • Digital technologies have in recent years made possible a new class of assets called “digital assets.”
  • We define a digital asset as “something represented in a digital form that has an intrinsic or acquire value.”
  • There is no practical limit as to what can be characterized digitally and therefore be considered a digital asset.
  • Examples of digital assets include land, goods, certificates, identity, works of art and literature, rewards, and even currency, among many others.
  • A new token economy could make the financial industry more accessible, cheaper, faster and easier, thereby possibly unlocking trillions of euros in currently illiquid assets, and vastly increasing the volume of trade
  • The most common non fungible token standard, ERC-721, saw dramatic growth of 350% in 2019 largely driven by decentralised. Although this is a niche area of the market, this rise and the new ERC1155 standard suggests that we will see increased numbers of mainstream players in this arena by the end of 2022.
Download our Wallet

Decentralized Wallet

  • Store Your Assets - Our Highest Safery
  • Platform for holder, trader, gamer
  • Security
  • Exchange & earn crypto

Bchain - Roadmap

  • Q1/2022

    Idea and concept generation Industry 4.0 Research

  • Q2/2022

    Tech roadmap Blockhain 4.0 Project Design

  • Q3/2022

    Research of Logistics Research of Liquidity Pools

  • Q4/2022

    Smart Solution For Business IoT Solution Decentralized Wallet – Smart Contracts

  • Q1-Q2/2023

    Marketing launch Testnet V1 for Logistics

  • Q3/2023

    Smart Business Experience Launch Partnership Developments Community Building

  • Q4/2023

    Logistics Platform Experience Launch Partnership Developments

  • Q1/2024

    Launch of Smart Contract Lauch of Wallet

  • Q2/2024

    Launch of Payment app Developer tools Social impact integration

  • Q3-Q4/2024

    Stage 2 Projects Target 10 millions user


Industry 4.0 will be the next stage of modern manufacturing and will see a paradigm shift towards smart factories that merge cyber and physical systems. Bchain will comes to deploying Blockchain solutions such as:

  • The Internet, Social Networking and e-Commerce brought the third industrial revolution. Emerging and foundational technologies such as IoT, Cloud, AI, Robotics and Blockchain are driving Industry 4.0.
  • By securing trust, transferring value and storing data Blockchain will automate processes and remove any manual activities.
  • Blockchain technology will become a fundamental pillar of Industry 4.0. In implementing Blockchain, the global manufacturing landscape will grow to become more agile and more productive as the community embraces an interconnected distributed ecosystem that maintains trust and verifable ownership.
  • New ecosystems are developing blockchainbased infrastructure and solutions to create innovative business models and disrupt traditional ones.
  • Integrate Blockchain with other emerging technologies such as Internet of Things and Artifcial Intelligence