• Agricultural applications need critical management inputs,such as supply-chain management (SCM) which plays aprominent role in human lives. Traditional logistic systemsused in food-supply and agriculture simply store the ordersand delivered them to the destination. These conventional systems have a lacuna with respect to various features suchas auditability, traceability, and transparency. Read more
  • However, in the modern digital era, these features can improve safety and food quality, and hence, there is a huge demand ofgood quality of food by consumers. Hence, most of theresearch & development(R&D) organizations adopt IoT tech-nologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), and radiofrequency identifications (RFIDs), which remotely observethe food supply-chain. Read more
  • Digital Supply ChainsThe digitalised supply network is enabled by Blockchain technology acting as the network’s core infrastructure. It is supported and empowered by the Internet of Things (IoT) which provides increased connectivity, sophisticated data-gathering and high performance analytical capabilities. Tracking devices and smart sensors are also delivered by the IoT environment which connect physical objects with data, enabling more efficient manufacturing processes, smarter supply chains and new business ecosystems. At the core of the supply network, Blockchain enables trusted transactions via smart contracts making automatic data transmissions across system-wide assets. The continuous physical-to-digital-to-physical cycles provide significant improvement compared to traditional supply chains resulting in a new, fully connected and trusted digitalised supply network. Read more


  • The Blockchain is a decentralized technique used for the se-cured exchange of cryptocurrency and financial transactions. Each user maintains its distributed ledger which is useful forvalidating a new transaction. Bitcoin is a medium of digitalcryptocurrency that provides transactions in a secured anddistributed environment. The group of all executed bitcointransactions performed in the past is called a distributedledger. After every successful transaction, an authentic userhas to make changes in the distributed ledger which isdistributed over the network and shared by all users in thenetwork. As hash functions are used in the formation ofthe blockchain, data integrity, confidentiality, and privacy aremaintained across all the transactions. Read more
  • Use of block-chain reduces the risks, cost, probability of cyberattacks in financial organizations, and precise auditing oforganizations can be achieved. Authors simply discussedthe use of blockchain in the business application is highlydesirable and convenient, due to its characteristics. They did not suggest any basic architecture for a business applicationto overcome the problems of blockchain like interoperabilityand scalability. Read more
  • This technology could bring various benefits for the existing banking system as well as society. It could increase the speed and efficiency of execution, opti-mize the transaction time and networks of record keeping,reduce the cost of financial transactions, and improve theprobable chances of accessing the financial market. Read more
  • Consensus and trust could be achieved in a distributed network through theblockchain. Thus, many private and governmental sectors,central banks, insurance and finance agencies, academicinstitutions, and especially some startups in Europe focuson the implementation of the blockchain in their routine operations. Read more


  • Blockchain 4.0 will allow businesses to move some or all of their current operations onto secure, self- recording applications based on decentralized, trustless and encrypted ledgers. Crucially, it brings the basic, inherent advantages of blockchain within reach of businesses for the first time.
  • Businesses currently lose around a quarter of worker time to administrative tasks. Of course these can be automated, usually by adding to your tech stack with a layer of ‘weak AI.’ But on the blockchain, they’re automated as a matter of course; it’s built right in. The danger of data loss is all but eliminated — a major relief when the average business data breach costs $3.6 million. And an immutable record means data is accurate, leading to better forecasting and planning.
  • These advantages are built into all blockchain technology, but without the ‘4.0’ feature set, businesses can’t access them.
  • However, there are additional business benefits unique to blockchain 4.0 ecosystems. An Integrated Development Framework (IDE) offers businesses the chance to build their own Dapps; cross-blockchain compatibility efforts mean most Dapps will run on multiple 4.0-level blockchains. And joining a blockchain 4.0 project gives businesses a say in how that project develops over time, as well as access to developers and other support.




  • Payment Insights app is tailored for merchants on the Clover Payments Plus Plan. It provides detailed and visual Reports and Dashboards based on your Payments, for ALL your LOCATIONS!
  • It is the must-have reporting web app: you can access it on any device via a web browser, at any time.
  • The Reporting tool helps merchants keep track of payment DETAILS, date and hour TRENDS, payments per EMPLOYEE, CUSTOMERS, TENDER, and more...

In the Internet of Things (IoT), various devices are connectedthrough the internet to share useful information via serversfor performing specific tasks or actions in the external en-vironment such as measuring temperature or humidity andmoving of shaft. Delivering the right information to the rightpeople at the right time is possible through the use of IoT.Various sensors continuously sense the data and these col-lected data can be used for effective decision making. Thingsconnected to the internet are expected to cross 50 billionin the near future, which is basically an approach of howthese various devices should be designed and integrated witheach other, so as to deliver a service delivery network, whichcan serve the needs in the future. The architecture of IoT isbasically the backbone of any application and thus, it shouldbe crafted carefully considering the needs of the evolutionof functionality, scalability, availability, and maintainability. Read more


  • Perhaps the most popular is the decentralization of processes and business models. Blockchain provides by definition the intermediation between two parties in a reliable way that is why many processes and organizations whose main value is the intermediation between parties can be optimized thanks to blockchain technology. Read more
  • We will therefore see intermediaries that adopt technology to be more efficient and robust, thus being able to offer a better service at more competitive prices or consortiums of companies that invest in creating themselves platforms to manage their relationships without depending on current intermediaries. Read more
  • At the same time, blockchain offers an unalterable record of the history of any asset or industrial good, so traceability on that record is natural for blockchain technology. In addition, this record can be shared with third parties in an exercise of transparency of their processes. Read more
  • Blockchain offers a really efficient synchronization of processes; it provides us with a single consensuated vision of the information related to industrial assets and processes, something really important in cases where different players and information systems must be coordinated to achieve a common industrial objective. Read more
  • It is a perfect synchronization technology, resilient to network microcuts or failures of the systems involved in the industrial process. These usual deficiencies of the traditional technologies generate incoherencies in the data and consequently incorrect decision-making due to a bad synchronization of the information shared between the collaborating systems. Read more
  • Finally, we should emphasize the blockchain capacity for process automation thanks to being a reliable source of information by offering a synchronized, consensual, and unalterable record on which we can also have a non-repudiation of the information, as each participant signs each of their transactions as if it were a digital contract in pdf. Read more
  • As we have already commented, automating our industrial processes based on information from third parties is really risky if the source is not reliable.

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